Florida sometimes awards alimony to one spouse after a divorce. If the spouse who has fewer financial resources qualifies for alimony, then the spouse with the higher income might need to pay. Alimony is also known as “maintenance” in Florida.
Pendent lite
If one spouse needs financial support during the divorce proceedings, then they might receive pendent lite alimony. This type ends once your divorce is official. If you still need support after the divorce, then you might begin receiving another type.
Bridge-the-gap alimony covers the expenses of starting a new life as a single. Because it’s to help one transition, this type is short-term.
If the spouse who qualifies for alimony needs vocational skill training or other educational programs, then they might receive rehabilitative alimony. They need a specific plan that includes how long the program will last and how much it will cost to be eligible. After completing the program, the court must also receive an estimate of how long they think it will take them to become self-sufficient. If the receiving spouse doesn’t stick to the plan, Florida’s family law allows the paying spouse to file a petition with the court to modify the alimony order.
When the previous types of alimony don’t match the receiving spouse’s situation, the court may consider durational alimony. Florida doesn’t allow this type to last longer than the duration of the marriage. If there’s a significant change in either of the spouses’ circumstances after the divorce, then they could request a modification of how much they pay or receive.
Florida usually only awards this for a spouse of a moderate- to long-term marriage. A moderate-term marriage lasts more than seven years but under 17 years. Permanent alimony is for situations in which the receiving spouse isn’t able to reach a similar standard of living after the divorce. It’s possible for a modification of this order if the receiving spouse moves in with a new partner or there is a significant change in circumstances.
Florida has different types of alimony to meet the various situations people face after a divorce. The length of the marriage influences how long alimony could last. Other factors, such as new partners, may impact these payments as well.